Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Business after the Writing

After the Writing the Real Work Begins

My novel Suitcase Charlie was published 2 months ago.

Since then I've become addicted to following the rise and fall of my sales numbers.  I get up every morning and the first thing I do is check the numbers.  At night before going to sleep, I do the same thing.

Authorrise, a company that provides this info for free, tells me my rank.

Usually it's dropping.  In fact for the last 3 days it's been going down, from 75,000 to 150,000 to 400,000.  A sad slide.  I look at my copies of Suitcase Charlie sitting on my desk, and I shake my head.

This afternoon I got an email from Authorrise.  My rank spiked.  This is a good thing.  Spiking means I've had some sales and my book is getting readers.

In fact, my rank "jumped 227,311 spots from  #395,873 to #168,562."

When I first got these spike notes, I was ecstatic.   I would jump up and shout, "Holy Smokes!"  I'd break out the champagne, even share a glass with my wife Linda​.

Now I'm less ecstatic, still happy but no longer crazy, no longer "doing the mambo" ecstatic.

Part of this comes from the realization/discovery what these numbers mean.  I've learned that I can go to my author account at Amazon and look at my sales figures.

A 227,311 spike?

Maybe 2 books, maybe 3.

All of this is interesting to me.  I've published 4 books of poems and almost never thought about my sales or my rank or whether people were or weren't reading the book.  I guess I never felt that poetry had much of a market so never thought of it in terms of sales.

Prose writing has robbed me of my innocence.


My noir, hardboiled, true to life detective novel Suitcase Charlie is available as a Kindle and a paperback.  Buy it, please!

Just click HERE.

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